Australian Retirement Villages

What Are The Benefits Retirement Villages?

Undoubtedly the biggest benefit to retirement village living is entering into a ready-made community, that is safe, secure and in many cases has more of a resort feel to it than that of a retirement village.

There are many benefits to choosing to live in a retirement village. The benefits to you will depend on what you are looking for and can include;

  • Affordability

With the average retirement village unit estimated to cost 67% of the full price of a home in the same post code, retirement village living is certainly a more affordable alternative to maintaining a large home and may allow you to retire earlier.

  • Great Lifestyle

With access to various facilities such as pools, spass, cinemass and even visiting hairdressers, retirement village living can provide a fantastic lifestyle where everything is on-hand, close and right on your doorstep. Gone are the days of mowing the lawns every second day or painting your fence, all maintenance tasks are completed for you, so you never have to worry about the presentability of your residence.

Additionally, living amongst a like-minded community presents new social opportunities and the opportunity to make new friends and live amongst your peers.

  • Community

Social interaction as we age is certainly something that most retirees desire. Whether you are a single person, widowed or a couple, village life presents a great opportunity for you to never feel alone.

  • Convenience and flexibility

Retirement village units are very low maintenance and afford residents to come and go as they please. If you are a keen traveller you can rest assured that your residence is safe and secure in your absence, and the low cost mean you have greater flexibility to take more trips.

  • Efficiency

Given the wide variety of services and activities on offer at many retirement villages you do not have to spend time and money travelling to your leisure activities and interests.

Many of these activities are included in the monthly fees, whilst others such as hair dressing and social events involving catering you will need to pay for. As these activities are at your fingertips you are spending more time doing what you want and getting in your car to drive to the location or waiting for public transport or some kind person to pick you up.

These are just a few of the many benefits of retirement village living, with the true benefits dependent upon the individual person and their expectations.

What are the disadvantages to living in a Retirement Village?

As with anything in life, there are pros and cons. However the negative aspects of retirement village living are few and far between. The main disadvantages that are discussed in relation to retirement village living are the contracts and the fees.

  • Contracts

Retirement village contracts are generally large and complex documents, and it is therefore best to go over your contract with a fine-toothed comb with the assistance of a legal professional. While most retirement community contracts are fair, some are complex and very detailed. Seeking professional advice prior to signing can ensure that you are fully aware of your rights and responsibilities and can be 100% sure retirement village living is a good fit for you and your situation.

  • Fees

Mostly, the fees in retirement communities can be fair, however some fees could be considered excessive or unreasonable. It is imperative when you are comparing fees, that you consider not only what the upfront costs will be, but also take into consideration any ongoing or deferred management fees (DMF).

As Australia’s population ages, retirement village living is set to become more and more popular. Across Australia they generally have very high occupancy rates of up to 92% with New South Wales even higher at an estimated 93% occupancy .

This popularity means the providers are broadening the service they offer to retirees increasing the style and range of accommodation options on offer. This means that you should be able to find accommodation in a village that is best suited to your needs and circumstances.

Things to Consider When Downsizing

One of the primary considerations for retirees and the over 55’s when deciding whether to make a lifestyle change and transition into a retirement village, is whether or not downsizing is for them. This has certainly become an integral part of the decision making process for older Australians when they are planning for their retirement.

Typically, once older Australians reach retirement age, or around the 55-year mark, their children have entered adulthood and live independently having moved out of the family home. The responsibility of managing and maintaining the family home then falls solely on retiree occupants.

This is where the question of downsizing comes into play. Downsizing essentially involves trading in the family home for an alternate lifestyle, with retirees unlike previous generations, living longer and placing a greater emphasis on maintaining a great lifestyle. Many retirees do not want to be mowing lawns and maintaining the garden, instead preferring to spend time enjoying their grandchildren and participating in hobbies and community life they did not have time for when working.

Another consideration for retirees is cost of remaining in a large family home for years to come. The cost of such expenses such as rates, utilities, replacement of household appliances and general ongoing maintenance can be considerable. Moving into new or renovated smaller and more suitable accommodation in a retirement village is a choice many people make. Downsizing is certainly a huge step and a major life change and is one that has many benefits.

Many older Australians view downsizing as more than just a more than a cost saving exercise, but a way to commence living a healthier, happier, fulfilling and relaxed lifestyle, with retirement villages providing an opportunity to live in a likeminded community, with additional benefits, all whilst maintaining an independent lifestyle.

What Are The Benefits of Retirement Villages?

Undoubtedly the biggest benefit to retirement village living is entering into a ready-made community, that is safe, secure and in many cases has more of a resort feel to it than that of a retirement village.

There are many benefits to choosing to live in a retirement village. The benefits to you will depend on what you are looking for and can include;

  • Affordability

With the average retirement village unit estimated to cost 67% of the full price of a home in the same post code, retirement village living is certainly a more affordable alternative to maintaining a large home and may allow you to retire earlier.

  • Great Lifestyle

With access to various facilities such as pools, spas, cinemas and even visiting hairdressers, retirement village living can provide a fantastic lifestyle where everything is on-hand, close and right on your doorstep. Gone are the days of mowing the lawns every second day or painting your fence, all maintenance tasks are completed for you, so you never have to worry about the presentability of your residence.

Additionally, living amongst a like-minded community presents new social opportunities and the opportunity to make new friends and live amongst your peers.

  • Community

Social interaction as we age is certainly something that most retirees desire. Whether you are a single person, widowed or a couple, village life presents a great opportunity for you to never feel alone.

  • Convenience and flexibility

Retirement village units are very low maintenance and afford residents to come and go as they please. If you are a keen traveller you can rest assured that your residence is safe and secure in your absence, and the low cost mean you have greater flexibility to take more trips.

  • Efficiency

Given the wide variety of services and activities on offer at many retirement villages you do not have to spend time and money travelling to your leisure activities and interests.

Many of these activities are included in the monthly fees, whilst others such as hair dressing and social events involving catering you will need to pay for. As these activities are at your fingertips you are spending more time doing what you want and getting in your car to drive to the location or waiting for public transport or some kind person to pick you up.

These are just a few of the many benefits of retirement village living, with the true benefits dependent upon the individual person and their expectations. If you have any doubts, take a walk around the retirement village of your choice and talk to some of the residents. Some operators do hold promotional days where residents attend and are available to talk to.

Tenure or Leasing Options of a Retirement Village Unit

Whilst deciding on the care options that are available may be clear and easily understood the same cannot be said about the different ways or tenure options relating to your Retirement Village unit.

Given the complexity of ownership structures it is imperative that retirees consider obtaining both legal and financial advice prior to making a commitment to embark on retirement village living, so that they have a clear picture of the financial and legal aspects and implications of their decisions.

The various types of title or tenancy of a Retirement Living unit include

Leasehold – You will normally be given a 99 year or life time lease over the unit. You will pay a set monthly fee which is approved by the residents at the Annual General Meeting. The village owner or operator is responsible for presenting a “balance budget” at the AGM. The fees are used to pay for the day to day operational expenses of the village.

Strata Title – Some villages operate under the model of a strata title. The resident owns the unit the same as if you own a unit in a suburban block of units. This means that you will pay two lots of monthly fees (1) Strata Fees to the Owners’ Corporate for expenses to run the Strata Scheme and (2) To the owner or operator of the Retirement Village for the operating expenses.

Rental Model – Some villages offer units to rent where the resident occupies the unit under a typical residential tenancy agreement. These typically do not incur Deferred Management Fees or Exit Fees.

Company Title – This is where when you purchase your retirement village unit you are purchasing shares in the company which owns and operates the retirement village. The company board will consist of residents and the residents run the company for the benefit of all residents.

Whichever option you choose, ensure you obtain good legal advice and fully understand the contract you are signing so that there are no nasty surprises when it comes time for you to leave the retirement village.

Why Are Retirement Villages So Popular?

Retirement Villages offer an attractive lifestyle for retirees and the over 55’s as they provide a range of accommodation options for retirees, together with a range of services and facilities.

There are various options as to the type of contract or lease that is offered by the Village owner. Then there is a choice of different types of accommodation including units or villas, low level or high rise apartments or assisted living apartments.

Retirement Villages offer a variety of services and facilities for residents to avail themselves of. These can include swimming pools of all shapes and sizes, spas, cinemas, hairdressing, visiting doctors and medical services, outdoor entertaining area including bbqs, regular planned social events and activities and 24-hour emergency assistance.

Retirement villages are also often located in close proximity to aged care facilities, providing an easy transition option for those who eventually will require more complex care. In fact some Retirement Villages to have aged care facilities as part of the village community which enables a resident to remain in familiar surroundings and continue to have social contact with their friends.

Retirement Villages are one of the most common retirement living options preferred by Australians. They are intended to provide support for those who are aging as well as a strong sense of community and wellbeing for the residents. The demand for Retirement Living option will only continue to grow as the population increased.

Things to Consider When Downsizing

One of the primary considerations for retirees and the over 55’s when deciding whether to make a lifestyle change and transition into a retirement village, is whether or not downsizing is for them. This has certainly become an integral part of the decision making process for older Australians when they are planning for their retirement.

Typically, once older Australians reach retirement age, or around the 55-year mark, their children have entered adulthood and live independently having moved out of the family home. The responsibility of managing and maintaining the family home then falls solely on retiree occupants.

This is where the question of downsizing comes into play. Downsizing essentially involves trading in the family home for an alternate lifestyle, with retirees unlike previous generations, living longer and placing a greater emphasis on maintaining a great lifestyle. Many retirees do not want to be mowing lawns and maintaining the garden, instead preferring to spend time enjoying their grandchildren and participating in hobbies and community life they did not have time for when working.

Another consideration for retirees is cost of remaining in a large family home for years to come. The cost of such expenses such as rates, utilities, replacement of household appliances and general ongoing maintenance can be considerable. Moving into new or renovated smaller and more suitable accommodation in a retirement village is a choice many people make. Downsizing is certainly a huge step and a major life change and is one that has many benefits.

Many older Australians view downsizing as more than just a more than a cost saving exercise, but a way to commence living a healthier, happier, fulfilling and relaxed lifestyle, with retirement villages providing an opportunity to live in a likeminded community, with additional benefits, all whilst maintaining an independent lifestyle.

Retirement Village Life – Why retirees are downsizing?

As Australia’s population continues to age, many over 55’s are now jumping on the retiree bandwagon. Not only are more over 55’s choosing to enter retirement, more and more retirees are choosing to downsize as part of their retirement plan. Gone are the days of holding onto the big 3 or 4 bedroom home with lavish manicured gardens and lawns. Many have spent their entire working lives diligently maintaining their homes, raising a family and paying off the mortgage. They are choosing to live a much simpler and easier and hopefully happier life in a retirement village.

Such is the strength of the downsizing retiree movement, that there are now many large companies and organisations including publicly listed ASX companies who are investing long term in the retirement village sector.

A testament to this emerging lifestyle trend, a survey conducted by the Property Council of Australia in 2014 suggested that there were more than 2,300 retirement villages in Australia, housing an estimated 184,000 seniors, with that number expected to double by 2025. Additionally, it is estimated that at least one third of the retiree population, has considered or are considering retirement village living either now or in the future.

Why are retirees downsizing? Hopefully these articles and the FAQ’s will help provide you with valuable information to help you decide what is best for you.


Welcome to Australian Retirement Villages.

The purpose of this website is to provide information for our readers who are considering if downsizing from their suburban home and join almost 200,000 Australians who have chosen to live in one of 2,200 plus retirement villages is for them.

The over 55’s have embraced the many advantages of living in a community of like minded people who value the benefits of living in a safe, vibrant and active environment.

To assist our readers find the service providers who specialise in catering for the needs of the over 55’s community we are providing information and links to these industry partners.

Please click on the Company Logos below to see what services they provide and their contact information.

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Business name: Standout Website Design Services
ABN: 37 856 227 787
LOCATION: Lethbridge Park NSW
Phone: 0403 558 090

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